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    PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制

    BDP R6G azide|BDP R6G N3

    作者:BDP R6G azide|BDP R6G N3 发布时间:2022-10-20 09:44:14 次浏览

    BDP R6G azide|BDP R6G N3
    4:稳定的光谱性质。对PH不敏感 可以再不同溶解中实现荧光探针适用于标记NDA或生物分子
    Borondipyrromethene (BDP) dyes are high performance flurophores that exhibit excellent photostability and brightness. A number of BDP dyes is available that are tuned to match excitation and emission channels of classical xanthene and cyanine dyes.
    BDP R6G is matched to R6G dye excitation and emission wavelengths. The fluorophore is an excellent alternative to R6G for various applications, including microscopy, fluorescence polarization assays, and two photon experiments.
    Azide functional group allows to conjugate the fluorophore easily with various biomolecules, small molecules, and polymers using CuAAC or spAAC Click chemistry reactions.
    BDP R6G azide|BDP R6G N3
    General properties:Appearance:dark colored solid
    Molecular weight:422.24
    Molecular formula:C21H21N6BF2O
    IUPAC name:3-(3-(4,4-Difluoro-5-phenyl-3a,4a-diaza-4-bora-s-indacen-3-yl)propionylamino)propylazide
    Solubility:good in DMF, DMSO, DCM
    Quality control:NMR 1H, HPLC-MS (95%)
    Storage conditions:Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
    Spectral properties:Excitation maximum, nm:530
    Emission maximum, nm:548
    Fluorescence quantum yield:0.96
    Dye azides
    Fluorescent dye azides for Click Chemistry labeling.
    Group tags Azides, Microscopy, Fluorescence polarization,Near infrared (NIR) imaging, Pyrene, Fluorescein (FAM), TAMRA (TMR, tetramethylrhodamine), ROX (Rhodamine X, Rhodamine 101), Coumarin 343, Cyanine3, Cyanine5, Cyanine3.5,Cyanine5.5, Cyanine7, sulfo-Cyanine3, Phenylethynyl-pyrene (PEP), Perylene, BDP FL, Cyanine7.5, sulfo-Cyanine5, sulfo-Cyanine7, R6G, BDP TMR, sulfo-Cyanine5.5, BDP 630/650,BDP TR, sulfo-Cyanine7.5, BDP 581/591, BDP R6G, Click chemistry
    BDP 581/591 azide
    BDP 630/650 azide
    BDP FL azide
    BDP R6G azide
    BDP TMR azide
    BDP TR azide
    Coumarin 343 X azide
    Coumarin 343 azide
    Cyanine3 azide
    Cyanine3.5 azide
    Cyanine5 azide
    Cyanine5.5 azide
    Cyanine7 azide
    Cyanine7.5 azide
    FAM azide, 5-isomer
    FAM azide, 6-isomer
    PEP azide
    Perylene azide
    Pyrene azide 1
    Pyrene azide 2
    Pyrene azide 3
    R110 azide, 5- isomer
    R110 azide, 6- isomer
    R6G azide, 5-isomer
    ROX azide, 5- isomer
    Sulfo-Cyanine3 azide
    Sulfo-Cyanine5 azide
    Sulfo-Cyanine5.5 azide
    Sulfo-Cyanine7 azide
    Sulfo-Cyanine7.5 azide
    TAMRA azide, 5-isomer