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PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制

Cy3 Tetrazine|Cyanine3 Tetrazine|Cy3四嗪

作者:瑞禧生物 发布时间:2022-07-13 16:36:36 次浏览

Cy3 Tetrazine|Cyanine3 Tetrazine|Cy3四嗪 Tetrazines demonstrate exceptionally fast cycloaddition kinetics (up to 30 000 M-1 s-1) with trans-cyclooctenes (TCO) as the dienophile, the fastest kinetics ever reported for any bioorthogonal reaction. In addition, inverse-Electron-Demand Diels-Alder reaction of tetrazines trans-cyclooctenea forms a stable covalent bond and does not require Cu-catalyst or elevated temperatures. In applications such as in vivo cancer imaging or pre‐targeted cell labeling studies where rapid reaction kinetics are desired, a faster hydrogen substituted Cy®3 Tetrazine probe would be a probe of choice.   Cy®3 is a bright, water-soluble, and pH insensitive orange-fluorescent dye that can be excited using the 532 nm or 555 nm laser line and visualized with TRITC (tetramethylrhodamine) filter sets. Cy3 conjugates give less background than TAMRA and most other commonly used fluorescent dyes.   Cy®Dye is a trademark of GE Healthcare. structural formula:           Cy3 Tetrazine|Cyanine3 Tetrazine|Cy3四嗪   Abs/Em Maxima 550/570 nm Extinction coefficient 150,000 Flow cytometry laser line 532 or 555 nm Microscopy laser line 532 or 555 nm Spectrally similar dyes Alexa Fluor® 555, Atto™ 555, CF™ 555 Dye, DyLight™555 Molecular weight 894.05 CAS N/A Solubility Water, DMSO, DMF Purity >90% (HPLC) Appearance Red solid Storage conditions -20C Shipping conditions Ambient temperature