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PEG衍生物 荧光标记 杂环砌块定制 点击化学 磷脂类 光电材料 小分子定制

Cy3 Picolyl Azide|Cyanine3 Picolyl Azide

作者:瑞禧生物 发布时间:2022-07-13 16:36:36 次浏览

Cy3 Picolyl Azide|Cyanine3 Picolyl Azide     瑞禧生物是国内ling命科学和生物技术领域试剂供应商,从成立初期就致力于为生命科学和生物技术领域提供优质产品和技术服务,力求将的产品和服务奉献给我们的客户。 丰富瑞禧: 合成磷脂、高分子聚乙二醇衍生物、嵌段共聚物、磁性纳米颗粒、纳米金及纳米金棒、近红外荧光染料、活性荧光染料、荧光标记的葡聚糖BSA和链霉亲和素、蛋白交联剂、小分子PEG衍生物、点计化学产品、树枝状聚合物、环糊精衍生物、热门肿瘤原料药、大环配体类、荧光量子点、透明质酸衍生物、石墨烯或氧化石墨烯、碳纳米管、富勒烯等等,可以满足从毫克级到公斤级的定制需求。 专业瑞禧: 为满足市场需要,结合中国本土市场的环境和发展,通过筛选,我公司已经和Avanti、、Matreya、nanocs、creative、laysan、Polypure、iris、Lumiprobe、Hampton Research、Worthington、bioaustralis等20多家签订代理协议,成为合作伙伴,为中国客户提供各种类高层次的产品和服务。 高效瑞禧: 瑞禧与客户齐心协力,共同推进产品突破,为解决迫切需求,我们配备专业的冷藏存储设备,常规试剂有现货。 Cy3 Picolyl Azide is an advanced fluorescent probe that incorporates a copper-chelating motif to raise the effective concentration of Cu(I) at the reaction site. The chelating effect of picolyl azide moiety to raise the effective concentration of copper at the reaction site is so great that it leads to an increase of signal intensity of up to 40-fold. In addition, the use of Cy3 Picolyl Azide instead of conventional Cy3-Azide allows for at least a tenfold reduction in the concentration of the copper catalyst without sacrificing the efficiency of labeling. In summary, the introduction of a picolyl moiety into an azide probe leads to a substantial increase in the sensitivity of alkyne detection. This will be of special value for the detection of low abundance targets or where significant increase in signal intensity is desired.   structural formula:          Cy3 Picolyl Azide|Cyanine3 Picolyl Azide   Abs/Em Maxima 550/570 nm Extinction coefficient 150,000 Flow cytometry laser line 532 555 or 568 nm Microscopy laser line 532 or 555 nm Spectrally similar dyes Alexa Fluor® 555, Atto™ 555, CF™ 555 Dye, DyLight™549 Molecular weight 908.08 CAS N/A Solubility Water, DMSO, DMF, MeOH Purity >95% (HPLC) Appearance Red solid Storage conditions -20C Shipping conditions Ambient temperature     其它相关产品: 英文名称 产品描述 Coumarin343azide 分子式:C22H27N5O5 分子量:441.48 EXmax:437nm EMmax:477nm Cy3 azide 分子式:C33H43ClN6O 分子量:575.19 EXmax:555nm EMmax:570nm Cy3.5 azide 分子式:C44H53ClN6O 分子量:717.38 EXmax:591nm EMmax:604nm Cy5 azide 分子式:C35H45ClN6O 分子量:601.22 EXmax:646nm EMmax:662nm Cy5.5 azide 分子式:C43H49ClN6O 分子量:701.34 EXmax:673nm EMmax:707nm Cy7 azide 分子式:C40H51ClN6O 分子量:667.33 EXmax:750nm EMmax:773nm Cy7.5 azide 分子式:C48H55ClN6O 分子量:767.44 EXmax:788nm EMmax:808nm FAM azide, 5-isomer 分子式:C24H18N4O6 分子量:458.42 EXmax:494nm EMmax:520nm FAM azide, 6-isomer 分子式:C24H18N4O6 分子量:458.42 EXmax:494nm EMmax:520nm PEP azide 分子式:C34H32N4O3 分子量:544.64 EMmax:389nm Perylene azide 分子式:C27H24N4O3 分子量:452.50 Pyrene azide 1 分子式:C23H22N4O3 分子量:402.45 Pyrene azide 2 分子式:C24H24N4O3 分子量:416.47 Pyrene azide 3 分子式:C26H28N4O3 分子量:444.53 R110 azide, 5-isomer 分子式:C24H20N6O4 分子量:456.45 EXmax:496nm EMmax:520nm R110 azide, 6-isomer 分子式:C24H20N6O4 分子量:456.45 EXmax:496nm EMmax:520nm ROX azide, 5-isomer 分子式:C36H36N6O4 分子量:616.71 EXmax:570nm Sulfo-Cy3 azide 分子式:C34H45N6NaO8S2 分子量:752.88 EXmax:548nm EMmax:563nm Sulfo-Cy5 azide 分子式:C36H47N6NaO8S2 分子量:778.91 EXmax:646nm EMmax:662nm TAMRAazide, 5-isomer 分子式:C28H28N6O4 分子量:512.56 EXmax:556nm EMmax:563nm Cy3 alkyne 分子式:C33H40ClN3O 分子量:530.14 EXmax:555nm EMmax:570nm Cy5 alkyne 分子式:C35H42ClN3O 分子量:556.18 EXmax:646nm EMmax:662nm Azidobutyricacid NHS ester 分子式:C8H10N4O4 分子量:226.19 AlkyneAmidite,hydroxyprolinol 分子式:C41H52N3O6P 分子量:713.84 AlkynePhosphoramidite, 5-terminal 分子式:C21H36N3O3P 分子量:409.5